Publications by Wells Law

Understand the pros and cons of a revocable trust

December 6th, 2020 by admin

In the last column, we addressed the basic estate-planning documents everyone should have: will, financial (durable) power of attorney and health care advance directives. In this column, we will discuss when (and if) you need a revocable trust, which...

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Common questions in these coronavirus times about estate-planning documents

November 1st, 2020 by admin

Perhaps it is a sign of the times, but more people ask these days what happens if they do not have estate-planning documents in place if they get seriously ill or they pass away.If you do not have a will, North Carolina statutes define who gets your property,...

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A Prayer for the Greatest Generation

October 12th, 2020 by admin

As we reflect on the anniversary of the end of World War II, I hope we will pause and consider all the contributions in war and in peace of the greatest generation. They fought for us in that war and through the hardest of times. The abiding story of...

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What to Know About the Mediation of Civil Cases in North Carolina

October 12th, 2020 by admin

The Gambler, a Kenny Rogers song, gives sound advice for playing a card game of chance: Know when to hold 'em, and know when to fold 'em. But it's also sound advice for a more serious game of chance: a jury trial in a civil lawsuit. When you ask...

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Understanding Opinions and the Legacies of Justices Ginsburg and O'Connor

October 6th, 2020 by admin

Beyond their opinions in a court of law, the professional stories and character of Justices Sandra Day O’Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the first two women to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court, teach us important lessons in the court of life. Their careers...

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Chapter 13 Wage Earner bankruptcy filing basics

September 5th, 2020 by admin

Before your financial challenges become too serious, readers are strongly encouraged to consult Financial Pathways of the Piedmont, a well-regarded and United Way supported nonprofit in Winston-Salem. Contact them at 336-896-1191 or

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Know Your Options Before You File For Bankruptcy

August 3rd, 2020 by admin

When should you consider filing personal bankruptcy? Families facing serious financial challenges are strongly encouraged to seek some objective direction before bankruptcy, the last resort, is necessary. As discussed in the previous column, the best...

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Ask Sam: Are online wills valid in North Carolina?

July 27th, 2020 by admin

Here is my answer:An on-line will, if it contains all the necessary provisions the law requires and it is signed as the law requires, CAN be valid. But there are just too many things which can go wrong with homegrown wills in their provisions and execution...

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Posted in: Ask SAM

Jarhead Law, and What We Can Learn from It

July 1st, 2020 by admin

It started with a phone call.I was asked some years ago to host a weekly pro bono local legal call-in show for a radio station on a Sunday afternoon from 3-4 pm to fulfill the station’s required public service FCC requirement. The questions of the callers...

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Posted in: On the Way to the Courthouse

Financial Challenges in These Challenging Times

June 30th, 2020 by admin

Over the next three columns, we will address some common financial challenges many of us face in these different economic times. This first column will address some valuable community resources you can access before you have more serious financial challenges....

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6 COVID Scams (and 3 of the Garden Variety) To Look Out For

June 11th, 2020 by admin

Scams perpetrated on our senior citizens total billions of dollars every year, and they likely will total more than that in 2020 because of the Coronavirus Pandemic.  Be sure you and your loved ones are aware of several of the newer scams which are out...

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All Alone Together

June 3rd, 2020 by admin

All of us would agree we live in decidedly different times than we have experienced before.  Never in our lifetimes have so many people been so uncertain about so many things, and literally so afraid.The coronavirus and economic challenges are not the...

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Posted in: On the Way to the Courthouse

Practical tips for estate administration, pre-planning advice, and a Coronavirus update

May 1st, 2020 by admin

After handling hundreds of estate administrations over the years, I can assure you the best legal problems are the ones which never happen. The tips in this third and final column on the subject should help you take the best planning steps to avoid common...

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COVID-19 Response

March 26th, 2020 by admin

UPDATED 6.3.2020: Office Procedures During COVID-19As of June 1, 2020, we are meeting with clients at the Wells Law office. We have adopted the following procedures for our lawyers, paralegals and staff who are working in our office. We also will require...

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Posted in: On the Way to the Courthouse

How to Reduce the Time, Expense and Hassle of Administering a Loved One's Estate

March 26th, 2020 by admin

Here is the second column to discuss practical how-to tips to ensure a smooth estate administration.   Over the years of handling hundreds of estate administrations, the best legal problems, I have found, are the ones which never happen. Use these suggestions...

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Yes, you can talk to a lawyer for free

March 1st, 2020 by admin

A terrific opportunity for all citizens to get free legal advice is set for this Friday. Don’t pass it up. (Our three-column series on helpful tips regarding estate administration will continue next month.)Do you have a legal question you would like answered...

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How to Reduce the Time, Expense and Hassle of Administering a Decedent's Estate

January 29th, 2020 by admin

The administration of a loved one’s final estate can often be more difficult, expensive and time-consuming than it needs to be.Over the years, I have handled hundreds of estate administrations, and the best legal problems one may have are the ones which...

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Plowing to the Mark

January 28th, 2020 by admin

The first lawyer I ever heard my father speak of was Andy Blair.Mr. Blair was a hard working lawyer who had climbed his way up from his small town roots.  My father admired hard work as much as most any other virtue, and he had deep admiration for this...

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Posted in: On the Way to the Courthouse

The Last Valentine's Gift

January 28th, 2020 by admin

The Last Valentine’s GiftForty years ago this month, my mother gave to my three siblings and me the last Valentine’s gifts we would ever receive from her.  Cancer was diagnosed shortly after Thanksgiving, and our mother was in the last battle of her life,...

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Posted in: On the Way to the Courthouse

The Eyewitness

January 28th, 2020 by admin

One of the more surprising truths concerning the trial of a lawsuit is about eyewitness testimony. It is often one of the most unreliable forms of evidence there is.But how can a witness who is there to see the event in question be unreliable?Most of...

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Posted in: On the Way to the Courthouse

Part II: Common mistakes in handling your personal injury claim

January 28th, 2020 by admin

This is the second of two columns devoted to providing practical solutions to help people injured in a motor-vehicle wreck avoid common mistakes in handling their claims.Property-damage claims alone rarely justify the added expense of hiring a lawyer....

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Other important highlights of the significant changes to the Power of Attorney North Carolina statutes

January 28th, 2020 by admin

This 2nd column on the 2018 major-rewrite power of attorney (POA) law will address common but avoidable mistakes individuals may make, and extra elder law planning provisions many individuals now provide in their POAS to protect their assets.New Revocation...

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Monitoring your loved one's care and other common issues you may encounter

January 28th, 2020 by admin

In the last column, we discussed the selection of a care facility. What other decisions might you face, and what steps should you take going forward to monitor the level of care of your loved one?Important contract issues.Many facilities require the admitted...

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Common mistakes in handling your personal injury claim

January 28th, 2020 by admin

In the next two columns, we will identify common mistakes that people with legitimate injuries from motor-vehicle wrecks make in settling their claims. We’ll also provide some practical solutions.Have you documented clearly that the injuries you relate...

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Pro Bono“Legal” Services

January 28th, 2020 by admin

North Carolina lawyers give back to the community, state and profession by providing many pro-bono or low-cost legal services to our citizens. Here are a few of them which offer free or cost-efficient venues to ask for direction on important legal matters....

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What Would Your Mama Say?—The value of civility

January 27th, 2020 by admin

WHAT WOULD YOUR MAMA SAY?It was Pete Sparks' idea.Pete Sparks lived down the street from me when I was just a boy. He was a year older than me, so he of course knew a lot of things. One of which was the way to get to the Valley Bell,where one could get...

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Posted in: On the Way to the Courthouse

The Most Important Opinion Of John Roberts

January 27th, 2020 by admin

THE MOST IMPORTANT OPINION OF JOHN ROBERTSChief Justice John Roberts has written many legal opinions for our nation's most influential court of law. But his most important opinion may be about his insights concerning what really matters in the court of...

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Posted in: On the Way to the Courthouse

Pay yourself in 2020: Write off judgments on that internal ledger

January 27th, 2020 by admin

I have been asked literally thousands of questions about the law through several venues over the years. Some of these questions are about legal judgments on the official courthouse book of record.But the answers about courthouse judgments may surprise...

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Posted in: On the Way to the Courthouse