Mike Wells: Here's how to help yourself avoid most legal problems

August 6th, 2022 by admin

I have been privileged to write a monthly legal column for the Winston-Salem Journal for nearly 20 years. After writing 200-plus columns, and conducting a like number of legal talks for companies, non-profits, educational institutions, service organizations and bodies of faith, what do most citizens want and need to know about the law?

This: The best legal problems are the ones which never happen. To show citizens how they can often help themselves and avoid many legal problems. And to point citizens to attorney organizations and resources that try to provide to the public solid direction, often without charge or for a very modest expense for those in financial need.

Here are the main ones.

  1. General Legal Information.
  • The North Carolina Bar Association Lawyer referral line. A citizen in North Carolina in any geographical area and concerning most any legal issue may receive a 30-minute conference with a knowledgeable attorney for no more than $50. (800-662-7660).
  • The North Carolina Bar Association also has a number of other free or low-cost services. Legal Aid helpline of NC. (www.legalaidnc.org; 866-219-5262); NC Free Legal Answers. (www.freelegalanswers.org); and NC Lawyers for Entrepreneurs Assistance Program. (www.nc-leap.org.
  • What do you get for free or next-to-free from an attorney? Actually, a lot. Knowledge of the law in a free society is great power. Take advantage of these useful services the North Carolina Bar Association and other non-profits provide, especially for those with limited financial means.
  1. Home Construction Projects.
  • Home construction projects go better if you have a solid contractor and a solid contract. Many calls and emails I get concern these legal and practical issues. A good and ethical contractor avoids many issues. Contact the Home Builders Association of Winston-Salem and see what it suggests. www.hbaws.net. (336-768-5942). This website also provides other useful tips.
  • The North Carolina Licensing Board for General Contractors also provides a wealth of free information and tips you should review, especially for any significant construction projects. www.nclbg.org. (919-571-4183.)
  • Ask those knowledgeable about local contractors for recommendations. Talk to realtors and friends who have used a contractor. Ask the contractor for references of jobs done, and call the references to get their comments, too.
  • Have there been any complaints about the contractor? Contact the Better Business Bureau of Central and Northwest North Carolina and check if complaints have been reported. (336-852-4240.) These include only reported complaints, but it is a good place to start.
  1. General consumer topics. Any number of challenges occur with ordinary purchases. Here are some suggestions:

The product you just must have

  • Will almost certainly be there tomorrow, despite what the salesperson tells you. Sleep on a decision on a major purchase.
  • Get a major mechanical product you wish to purchase from a friend inspected by a neutral party before you close the deal. Your friend is honest, for sure, but if there is a mechanical issue, your friend may not know about it, either.
  • If a deal sounds too good to be true, it is.
  1. Other general information sources.
  • Ask Sam in the Winston-Salem Journal. “Sam” knows a lot of things about a lot of things. Sam researches issues and often reaches out to attorneys and others on various legal questions, too. (AskSAM@wsjournal.com; or write Ask SAM, P.O. Box 3159, Winston-Salem, NC 27102.)
  • Past legal columns. My past columns discuss many other legal issues people face as well. Do a search on the Journal’s website at www.jounalnow.com. Or google a topic concerning North Carolina law and review articles by other credible sources.

The best problems are the ones which never happen because you ask the right questions of the right information source. Take advantage of these resources, and others, when you need them.

Remember: An informed choice is a smart choice.

Posted in: WS Journal Articles