Social Security Disability Cases Are Sad Stories

October 18th, 2016 by admin

No one wants to file a Social Security Disability claim, but things happen. Many of these things are beyond a claimant's control. These occurrences--genetic dispositions, ailments, or a combination thereof render a person unable to work. Disinformation and misinformation abound about the Social Security Disability process, which is unfortunate. It causes good people unwarranted and unnecessary heartache. The people I represent cannot work, and they would do anything to be able to work. Their stories are sad and laced with tragedy, but ailments brought about as a consequence of living their lives, or by genetics, keep them from working.

In spite of wanting to work, people often cannot work. It happens, and it happens a lot. I get new cases each week for representation of people that cannot work full-time. That's the standard: can you work eight hours a day, five days a week? If you can't you are disabled. That's the law.

If you or someone you know needs more information about the disability process, I suggest you check out the Social Security Administration’s website ( and the National Organization of Social Security Claim’s Representatives (NOSSCR)( for more information.

Posted in: WS Journal Articles